27 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism


27 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism


The following are the cardinal 27 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism. Metabolism refers to the amount of energy in calories that your body breaks down daily. High percentage of this energy is consumed during circulation and breathing. Body organs that consume a lot of energy include: kidney, liver, heart and the brain. 25 percent of energy is consumed during the daily exercises. !0 percent of the energy is utilized in digestion.


The Popular 27 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism


(1) Dieting on more vegetables and fruits

Energy is utilized when chewing these foods. This helps to improve your body metabolism. The best way to enjoy these products is to eat them in their natural and whole state.


(2) Dieting on vinegar salad

The best type is apple cider vinegar. It is known to boost fat metabolism in your body. It also makes you to feel fuller for much longer time.


(3) Drinking green tea

Drinking about four cups of this tea daily will help you to lose significant amount of weight within two months. This tea contains an active ingredient called catechin. This ingredient is an effective antioxidant that boosts your body metabolism.


(4)Taking a walk daily

This exercise is effective in increasing fat breakdown in your body. This activity also improves digestion, particularly after a main meal.


(5) Snacking on sweet potatoes

These snack should either be steamed or boiled to avoid loss of essential nutrients. They are known to contain adiponectin, a very vital hormone in blood sugar regulation. They also contain anti-inflammatory antioxidants and vitamin A.


(6) Eating metabolism boosting smoothie

The recipe for this should include ingredients such as; cinnamon, green tea and Greek yogurt. This smoothie should be taken as breakfast. It helps to increase metabolism.


(7) Dieting on lean protein

The most ideal source of this food is the chicken breast. These proteins require more energy during digestion. You also consume energy when chewing this food.


(8) Eating yogurt

Low fat cheese, milk and yogurt are very essential in raising the metabolic rate. This helps to maximize fat burning process. Three serving a day are recommended.


(9) Using ginger

Ginger is very effective in warming up foods. It is also known to revive the metabolic rate. It is added to dips, grains, soups and stir fries.


(10) Reducing processed carbohydrates

These foods are known to slowdown fat metabolism. This is mainly because they contain processed sugars. Proteins needs to be included in meals and snacks to boost metabolism. Foods such as candy bars, French bread and salty chips should therefore be avoided.


(11) Taking vegan broccoli soup

This soup contains high fiber content that boost fat metabolism. It also contains spices such as nutmeg and cayenne that add flavor. This soup is also effective in detoxification.


(12) Eating nuts

They are very effective in increasing the metabolic rate. The common sources include walnuts, cashew nuts and almonds. They also contain magnesium which is ensures your heart remain healthy.


(13) Sleeping enough

Having quality sleep is very essential in weight loss. This is mainly because sleeping increases body metabolism. You should spend between 7-8 hours sleeping.


(14) Drinking enough water

This is among the most essential 27 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism. Water is very essential in body metabolism. 8-12 glasses of water are recommended daily.


(15) Sprinkling cinnamon to food

This spice is known to warm food and boost metabolism


(16) Taking dark chocolate

This is a healthy dessert for increasing fat break down. Dark chocolate contain antioxidants such as catechin and caffeine.


(17) Exercising

Physical training is very vital in fat burning process. Muscle building work out sessions is preferred. This is because fat burning mostly occurs in the muscles. About two hours weekly should be dedicated to whole body work out sessions.


(18) Sprinkling cayenne on your food

This spice is effective in raising the body temperature. This in turn increases fat burning process. It is also known to add more flavor to the food.


(19) Adding intervals

Taking forty five minutes on the treadmill is very vital. These sweat sessions are very essential in burning extra calories during the cardio exercises.


(20) Consuming whole grains

These are high fiber foods. They are therefore tough to digest; hence you will consume more calories when chewing them. The common sources include: millet, oats, barley and brown rice.


(21) Taking a snack before sleeping

This helps to increase the blood sugar. This in turn helps to improve body metabolism.


(22) Getting an after burn

Having sweat sessions for about 3 minutes helps to increase your metabolic rate.


(23) De-stressing

High levels of cortisol hormone increases the level of stress. Stress is known to slow down the metabolic rate. Taking short yoga calming sessions is recommended to minimize stress.


(24) Avoid skipping meals

This habit is known to lower the metabolic rate. You should therefore take about six meals daily. This is vital in maintaining the required blood sugar levels.


(25) Planning your exercises properly

Physical exercise is paramount to boosting metabolism. It is therefore advisable to maintain ultimate discipline for more positive results.


(26) Taking breakfast

This is among the most vital 27 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism. After a sleeping the whole night, your body needs energy to revive metabolism. Eating a healthy breakfast is therefore recommended. You should also avoid skipping breakfast.


In summary, the above 27 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism will assist you to achieve the required results. Discipline is needed for the whole work out plan to give you the desired results.


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